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There may be military  VIEW : 407    
โดย อัปปรีย์

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IP : 156.146.54.xxx

เมื่อ : อาทิตย์ ที่ 18 เดือน กันยายน พ.ศ.2565 เวลา 22:54:54   

There may be military conflicts within the next 30 years depending on how long the Ukrainian war will end and how long Russian forces will have to recover from the war. Where all of these are considered important factors that make merit may be considered in the development of further military and security capabilities in the future to cope with the threats from the world on the NATO side of the country. The Admiral of the Dutch Navy, who is also the chairman of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's military committee, has said that joining NATO as  pg   both Finland and Sweden will help expand the borders of the land. NATO is closer to Russia than ever before, which will allow NATO to protect its own territories more, will also have a border with Data. To the counterattack, which General Power said he was ready to continue to support the war with the Russian army, he acknowledged that the military change had actually upgraded the command structure. Years before Russia opened Ukrainian stations in February, plans for atmospheric military restructuring have been underway for years, having been prepared since 2000.

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